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Top 5 animes to watch during holidays

· 4 min read
Gaëtan Covelli

For an anime fan, what better way to spend the winter holidays than to just jump into your blanket with a cup of Hot Coffee and binge an anime or two? Though the everlasting question remains, which anime to watch? Well, we've got you covered! Here are a few “Anime” that you could binge watch during the winter holidays!

5. Yuru Camp


Sometimes you need an anime to relax, to feel peaceful, to smile at casual jokes, and just appreciate the simplicity of it all. “Yuru Camp” is the anime that embodies all of this. It's about five high school girls, their laid-back camping adventures, and the jokes along the way. If anything, this show will definitely take your mind away from the constant chaos of the everyday life, even if it's only for the time being.

4. The Tatami Galaxy


So many times in life, we regret how we spent the past few months or even years of our lives. Even though nobody knows for sure how their life is meant to be. This story perfectly encapsulates this idea. A College student named “Watashi” wastes the first two years of his life trying to live the rose-colored life he had always dreamt of. But the end of every episode, he goes back in time to the first day of college. Now, how will his life change depending on the club he chooses in his first year? Or will it even change at all?

3. Run With the Wind


We, as humans, need inspiration. It's a fundamental need of everyone's life because without it, everyone would just be a burned-out husk going about their everyday lives. This anime is a story of a few individuals who come together to work for a common goal, and then regardless of the outcome of it all, just the fact that they gave it their all, makes everything well worth it. This common goal is a “Marathon Relay Race,” and a dormitory fellow convinces the other residents to participate with him. Now, how will it go?

Tip you don't wanna miss

We all use different platforms to watch animes, but more often than not, the subtitles are less than satisfactory. 😒

We've something that'll make your life a whole lot easier.

Our web browser extension Substital will let you add subtitles to any video online. Just use the extension to search up the required subtitles and then play them on the video. You can also add your own subtitles. Do check it out! 😃 Available on Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

2. Vinland Saga


“Vinland Saga” is a modern-day masterpiece. It tells us the story of the Vikings in a fictional yet somewhat authentic manner. How cruel life used to be in the past. The slavery, plunders, assaults, wars, and every other violence imaginable, were nothing but everyday occurrences.
But how to escape it all? "Far, far to the west, across the great sea, there's a place called Vinland. It's warm... and fertile. Where neither slavery nor the fires of war can reach. What do you say? Will you live with us there someday?" This story is about the eventual and much needed pursuit of this land!

1. A Place Further Than the Universe


“A Place Further Than the Universe” is a fascinating, emotionally enriching, and genuinely inspiring tale of a few girls, who, because of their circumstances, aim for the south most region of this planet, the land called, “Antarctica.” But how can a group of high school girls make it to such a harsh place? Well, you'll have to find out by watching this anime. I'd say, it is the kind of anime that'll make you feel like going on a journey, it'll make you feel like “living”. Which is why, it is our number one recommendation for which anime to watch during the winter holidays.

That's all from our side! Hope you enjoy the suggestions and added convenience because of the extension. 😊